Would be legal mess
What seems to be lost in all of this administration's concern about the validity of mail-in or absentee ballots is that if these ballots are suspect for the presidential election, as the current president in threatening, it is also clear that every other election outcome would be equally suspect. The president boxes are not the only selections on these ballots.
Thus, unlike some Florida voting machine "hanging chads" issues, if the current president rejects the results of the November election because of corrupt mail-in ballots, the outcome of all ballot results, whether Republican, Democrat, or other national or state legislative contests, not to mention all local issues, similarly would be legally questionable or invalid. What a legal mess this reasoning would incur in interpreting electoral results at all levels nationally.
Divisive and offensive
For quite a while now, it seems that many people in our country have been going out of their way to find something by which to be offended. Until recently, I just couldn't find anything to get that upset about. Some things were merely annoying or unpleasant. I could live with those. There were things that worried me; I tried to ignore them. There were things that irritated me; I tried to avoid them. There were things I felt were dangerous or ugly or unfair; I tried to keep my distance. Maybe that makes me part of the so-called "silent majority."
Finally, though, I have a cause. Recently the newspaper has started a practice I find offensive. I can understand capitalizing the hyphenates such as Irish American, Native American, or African American. It makes sense to capitalize belief systems: Presbyterian, Rastafarian, Muslim, Jewish and Wiccan, for example. And, of course, nationalities and ethnicities need to be capitalized: Swedish, Nigerian, Mexican, Japanese, or Choctaw. I thought I would come to accept and, possibly, even ignore this new practice, but that hasn't happened. And as long as I read the paper every day, I can't avoid it.
Maybe it's just me, but isn't capitalizing one skin tone out of all those available a form of discrimination? C'mon now. Whether your skin is white, black, brown, yellow, or red, none needs capitalization unless all are treated equally. I find this whole thing to be both divisive and offensive.
Preserve democracy
The November election is quickly approaching. One presidential candidate said, and his son repeated, that payroll taxes will be eliminated in January 2021. By eliminating the payroll tax, Social Security and Medicare will be insolvent in two to three years. Your investment and our benefits will disappear. There are other issues such as the deadly virus response, health insurance, and preserving our democracy. Are you still undecided?
Talk to your family, friends and neighbors and make sure they're registered. Last day to register is today. Wear a mask, keep your distance, and vote in November. Or avoid the lines by voting early starting Oct. 19, or by mail.
People gave their lives to preserve this democracy and its benefits for us. Our future depends on "We The People" like never before, and we must rise to the occasion and do whatever it takes to cast our vote.
An apology is owed
French Hill owes Joyce Elliott and his constituents an apology for the ads he is running so misrepresenting Elliott that they amount to slander. Neither the photo nor the accusations reflect Elliott's beliefs and policies. Elliott has always been a strong supporter of education and is known for the ability to reach across the aisle when necessary to accomplish the best for Arkansans. We need more of that in Washington!
Here's hoping the folks in the counties surrounding Pulaski, who are the target audience for these doctored digital ads, recognize the difference between truth and fear. I'm disappointed in Hill, and he has lost my respect.
Little Rock
"avoid it" - Google News
October 05, 2020 at 03:22PM
Letters - Arkansas Online
"avoid it" - Google News
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