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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Navy removes gendered language from SEAL ethos: report - Fox News

The Navy recently changed the SEALs ethos and Special Warfare Combatant Crewmen creed to replace gendered language like "man" and "brotherhood" with gender-neutral terms like "citizen," American Military News reported this week.

One alteration to the first paragraph of the SEAL ethos changed "I am that man" to "I am that warrior." In another section, "A common man with uncommon desire to succeed" was changed to “Common citizens with uncommon desire to succeed."

In the SWCC creed, "Brotherhood" was changed to a “group of maritime warriors.”

Navy SEALs are an elite combat force who conduct a variety of special operations. SWCC support SEALs and also run missions of their own.


The Pentagon lifted the ban on women serving in combat roles in 2013. In December 2015, then-Defense Secretary Ash Carter opened up all military jobs to women, clearing the path for women to serve in these elite commando roles.

“The previous versions of the SEAL Ethos and SWCC Creed were written prior to the law allowing women to serve as operators in Naval Special Warfare," Naval Special Warfare spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Stroup told American Military News in a statement. "The changes do not in any way reflect lowering standards of entry, rather they ensure that all those who meet the requirements to train to become a SEAL or SWCC are represented in the ethos or creed they live out. This improves the posture of the NSW force by ensuring we draw from the greatest pool of talent available."

SEAL basic training is a grueling six-month course in Coronado, California that forces 75% of trainees to drop out by the end of the first month. Stroup told American Military News that no women have completed the SEAL or SWCC qualifications.

The Navy's public affairs office did not immediately respond to a request for comment Wednesday.


Women have successfully joined elite units for other branches of the military. The U.S. Army announced in July that the first woman had completed the highly selective Special Forces Qualification Course to become a Green Beret.

“Each and everyone of you demonstrated the ability to meet the baseline standards and competencies for admission to our Regiment," Lt. Gen. Fran Beaudette, Commanding General for U.S. Army Special Operations Command, said at the graduation ceremony. "Thankfully, after today, our Green Beret Men and Women will forever stand in the hearts of free people everywhere.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

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October 01, 2020 at 10:15AM

Navy removes gendered language from SEAL ethos: report - Fox News
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DATCP and Wisconsin Elections Commission Help Consumers Avoid Election Scams - OnFocus

Submitted to OnFocus – MADISON – With the November 3 general election rapidly approaching, many groups are reaching out to Wisconsin voters, most legitimate but some not. Some contacts may look like scams but are just groups using poorly trained volunteers or bad data. Scammers are turning to election-related tactics to try to steal your money and identity. Voting scams trick you by mimicking legitimate activities that happen around elections. Some examples include:

Fraudulent Donation Requests

Real: Political campaigns often call or text their supporters to ask for donations.

Scam: A scammer might use spoofing technology to use a legitimate phone number to impersonate a campaign representative.

How to avoid it: Be wary of unsolicited calls asking for donations. Only make donations through platforms you know and trust, such as the campaign’s official website. Avoid sending donations through another person or over the phone.

Imposter Election Surveys 

Real: Research organizations conduct phone surveys throughout the election season to gauge voters’ interests, opinions, and perspectives.

Questionable: Some candidates and advocacy groups use fake polls or “push-polls” to influence your vote, or they may try to disguise who is responsible for the poll. Under state law, anyone conducting a poll is required to tell you the name and address of the person or committee paying for the poll, if you ask. If they won’t tell you who is paying for the poll, hang up.

Scam: Impersonators offer you a gift card or some other incentive to participate in a fake survey, but first they need your personal information, such as a credit card number, date of birth, or social security number.

How to avoid it: Do not rely on Caller ID; scammers can “spoof” the phone number of a legitimate organization to make it appear as though the call is a genuine campaign contact. Never provide account or credit card information to anyone you did not reach out to, especially someone claiming you can win a prize.

Registering to Vote

Real: Volunteers or staff from civic and political organizations may contact potential voters through calls, texts, social media, or even in-person to help drive voter registration and turnout.

Questionable: Some organizations with incorrect data may contact you in the belief that you have been removed from the voter list and offer to reregister you. They may direct you to a website that collects personal information, which they use to contact you with reminders and political messages.

Scam: Scammers also make alarming claims and pretend to alert you to an expired voter registration as a phishing attempt. The scammer then offers to register you, and during the process collects a large amount of personal information they may use to steal your identity.

How to avoid it: The Wisconsin Elections Commission or your local clerk’s office will not text you with voter registration alerts, so you may ignore these kinds of text messages. Unofficial websites seeking personal information to check your voter registration status or register you to vote should be avoided. You can securely register, check your registration status, and find trusted information on the MyVote Wisconsin website at You can also register by mail, in-person at your local municipal clerk’s office, or at the polling place on Election Day. Your municipal clerk’s office is another trusted source of information.

Voting by Absentee Ballot

Real: On September 1, the Wisconsin Elections Commission mailed an educational packet to all registered voters who had not already applied for an absentee ballot.

You can request an absentee ballot online at or you can fill out the paper application form included in the mailing and submit it using the postage-paid return envelope. You should request your ballot as far in advance of the election as possible. The legal deadline for your application to be received is Thursday, October 29, 2020; however, voters should request them much earlier due to USPS requirements for one week to deliver mail in each direction.

Also Real: Political parties and candidates may also mail out absentee ballot requests to their supporters. They may also email, text, or call you with messages urging you to return your absentee ballot. State law allows them to purchase lists of voters who have requested absentee ballots.

Questionable: Independent groups send out texts offering to send you an absentee ballot when it is really an absentee ballot application. Groups also send out mailers with absentee ballot forms which may appear to be from your municipal clerk’s office. Some of these forms are already partially filled out with names and addresses, some of which may be incorrect due to faulty mailing lists. Sometimes they claim you have not already requested an absentee ballot or the return addresses for clerks are incorrect. Also, the requirements for voters to provide a copy of their photo ID with the application are not always clearly stated.

Scams: If a call or text claims to be coming from a government entity and offers an absentee ballot for people who cannot or do not want to go to the polls on Election Day, it may be a scam. Scammers may be using this as a ruse to collect a large amount of personal information and steal your identity.

How to avoid it: Never provide personally identifying information or account numbers to a person who contacts you unexpectedly. If you have questions about voting by absentee ballot, you can contact your local municipal clerk or visit MyVote Wisconsin at

For additional information on scams and consumer issues, or to file a consumer complaint, visit the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) at, send an e-mail to [email protected], or call DATCP’s Consumer Protection Hotline toll-free at 1-800-422-7128.

For concerns regarding Wisconsin elections, more information can be found at 

We welcome your stories! Contact us at [email protected]!

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October 01, 2020 at 12:16AM

DATCP and Wisconsin Elections Commission Help Consumers Avoid Election Scams - OnFocus
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Seal Beach Police spokesperson uses voice of calm to maintain fairness - OCRegister

In today’s tumultuous times, it’s not easy for a law enforcement frontman to maintain both a sense of humor and a sense of fairness.

But Sgt. Nick Nicholas, public information officer for the Seal Beach Police, has managed to accomplish equilibrium – rising above the heated rhetoric to offer a voice of calm.

Nicholas, 33, became the face of the department last December, just in time for his agency — and every other police force in the country — to face the twin issues of coronavirus and civil unrest.

  • Sgt. Nick Nicholas, at the pier in Seal Beach, CA on Monday, September 14, 2020, is the public information officer for the Seal Beach Police Department. (Photo by Paul Bersebach, Orange County Register/SCNG)

  • Chief of Police Philip Gonshak at the Seal Beach Police Department headquarters in Seal Beach, CA on Monday, September 14, 2020. Photo by Paul Bersebach, Orange County Register/SCNG)

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  • Sgt. Nick Nicholas, at the pier in Seal Beach, CA on Monday, September 14, 2020, is the public information officer for the Seal Beach Police Department. (Photo by Paul Bersebach, Orange County Register/SCNG)

  • Chief of Police Philip Gonshak and Public Information Officer Sgt. Nick Nicholas, from left, at their headquarters in Seal Beach, CA on Monday, September 14, 2020.(Photo by Paul Bersebach, Orange County Register/SCNG)

Emotions and angst all around may be on overdrive, Nicholas noted, but the department’s bottom line remains objectivity.

“No matter what we do, we’re going to upset some segment of the community,” he said. “To us, it doesn’t matter where you fall on the political spectrum. Your rights will be protected.”

That vow has been put to the test over the four months since George Floyd died in the custody of Minneapolis police.

Seal Beach Police officers have been called on to assist with crowd control at large protests against police brutality in Huntington Beach, Santa Ana and other cities. “Some of our officers were called terrible names,” Nicholas said.

“This also happens to us during the course of our normal duties,” he added, allowing that such incidents are rare.

On the flip side, when police accepted lunch from a group sympathetic to Black Lives Matter, a chorus of residents lambasted the department for – in their perception – comporting with radicals.

“I’m a white guy working in a predominantly white community,” Nicholas said.

“We all need to be open to tough conversations about racial injustice.”

Nicholas uses his “Briefing Room” column, which appears regularly on the department’s Facebook page, to allay passions and rein in misinformation.

For instance, in late August, gossip inaccurately speculated that police found a “trash can full of bricks” during a protest on Main Street, Nicholas wrote. The online claim was that the bricks were part of a sinister plot for “looting, fires and crime later that evening.”

“This is 100% untrue,” Nicholas wrote. “When these rumors are spread, it only creates fear and panic (that) could lead to violence and anger.”

Attracting around 300 protesters and counter protesters, that rally became much rowdier than the small vigils held almost daily by the Seal Beach Pier. However, police made no arrests and “did not use any chemical agents or impact weapons,” Nicholas said.

Nicholas, who holds a masters in political science from from Cal State Fullerton, said he “didn’t start out with any desire to go into law enforcement.”

A dozen years ago, Nicholas was working as an emergency room technician for Los Alamitos Medical Center when he invited himself on a ride-along with a police officer he’d befriended at the hospital.

“A month later,” he said, “I was enrolled in the police academy.”

Then, in 2010, he joined the Seal Beach Police. “I was very lucky to get hired here at such a young age,” Nicholas said.

Over the decade, he has served in numerous roles – from narcotics detective to terrorism liaison officer. Nicholas continues to wear multiple hats in the small department. In addition to being the department’s public information liason, he also serves as a training manager and internal affairs investigator.

Although he veered into an unexpected career, Nicholas still enjoys plying the skills that got him through graduate school. “I read everything I can, and I love to write,” he said.

During his 13 years on the force, Philip Gonshak took note of Nicholas’ way with words. Just appointed as police chief, Gonshak immediately made Nicholas PIO.

“Nick does a phenomenal job, and he does it with a kind heart,” Gonshak said. “Keyboard warriors can get so nasty to each other when they’re shouting from behind their computer screens. Nick has a relaxed approach that balances the range of emotions.”

To that end, Nicholson decided the department should get off the city’s Nextdoor site. Originally meant for chitchat and neighborhood recommendations, the online platform has become fertile ground for exaggerations, insults and arguments.

“Very often, what is posted on is third- or fourth-hand, politically slanted or, even worse, untrue,” Nicholas said in his blog. “Posts are sometimes rude or belittling, and detract from actual information sharing.”

Nicholas pointed to a post that cast ill intent on a man just doing his job. “People are now suspicious of an innocent newspaper delivery driver,” he lamented.

Again and again, Nicholas seeks to ease anxiety over protests while emphasizing freedom of speech.

“Will we allow assemblies (BLM or otherwise) in Seal Beach?” he wrote. “Absolutely yes. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution allows for peaceful assemblies. Will we allow wide-spread violence and rioting? Absolutely not.”

Even at countywide protests where Seal Beach officers endured name calling, Nicholas penned, “The acts of a small group of agitators don’t represent the thousands of people who were there peacefully assembling so their message could be heard.”

But he doesn’t always sound so serious.

Sometimes, Nicholas goes for a chuckle – mostly in Facebook posts about minor crimes in which no one was hurt. For instance, a teen trying to escape police in a stolen vehicle “rolled to a stop (as in rolled a few times).” And about noise complaints: “We hear you. Especially when we are enforcing these violations.”

In response to criticism for welcoming sandwiches from BLM supporters, Nicholas countered that police also enjoyed treats donated by Orange County Supervisor Michelle Steel.

“Could you imagine if we turned down a meal from either of these groups or individuals?” he said in his blog. “That would never happen, because we truly love all snacks – not just donuts.”


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October 01, 2020 at 01:46AM

Seal Beach Police spokesperson uses voice of calm to maintain fairness - OCRegister
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$70 is the new normal and there's no way to avoid it - The Outerhaven

Yes, fellow gaming friends, gaming hasn’t been the cheaper of entertainment forms over the past years. That’s a fact. But now, we all should be getting ready to see yet another price hike, as indicated by the pricing of next-generation versions of games. It’s something that publishers have been pushing for as a way to generate increased revenue and have been itching to implement. With the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S on the horizon, what better time would it be than to put this into effect?

We’ve already seen this happening, with several upcoming titles already priced at the $70 mark, and in some cases well above it. Take a look at several upcoming PS5 and Xbox Series X|S titles, all of which will feature a $10 price hike.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War – $69.99 (Xbox Series X|S & PS5)
Demon’s Souls – $69.99 (PS5)
Destruction AllStars – $69.99 (PS5)
Godfall – $69.99 (PS5)
Spider-Man: Miles Morales Ultimate Edition – $69.99 (PS5)


While this price hike has only affected the next-generation platforms, I worry that this will spread beyond that. The PlayStation 4, and Xbox One aren’t going to be retired anytime soon. While we may see the Xbox One being dropped ahead of the PlayStation 4, we still have at least another 2-3 years before either console is in the rear-view mirror of gamers. If games are being priced at a higher price point for next-generation games, what’s to say that publishers won’t stop there? What if they decide that they’ll hike the price on all platforms?

So far, we haven’t seen any examples of this, thankfully. Games that are already available now, which are also coming out for either the PS5 or Xbox Series X|S, can still found at a lower price. Upcoming titles such as Godfall, which also is being released on PC is priced at $59.99, as is Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and NBA 2K21.

Granted, this doesn’t mean that this isn’t something to think about for the upcoming future. I suspect that once more next-generation games are that are announced for both the PS5/Xbox Series X|S that will also appear on PC, we’ll see those prices start to rise. We saw that happen with the PS4 and Xbox One games that came to the PC, so this much is a given. I’d love to be wrong here, but we’ll have to wait and see.


Expect more people to take advantage of subscription services

With the rise of higher-priced games, we’re going to see more consumers taking advantage of game subscription services. Namely Xbox Game Pass and PlayStation Now, and for good reason. For just a few dollars a month, gamers will be able to take play a vast collection of games, including 1st party games that are released on the day of launch, at least for Xbox Game Pass. As for PlayStation Now, Sony hasn’t revealed its hand for the upcoming next-generation, outside of the PlayStation Plus Collection.

While we know what Xbox Game Pass offers, the black house is PlayStation Now. We’ve already seen that Sony has the capability to utilize PlayStation 2,3 and 4 games, it just doesn’t stack up to Xbox’s offering. However, with the release of the PS5, Sony could easily shock us all by changing things up and I’m hoping this is the case. 

What about microtransactions

Ah, microtransactions, another way for developers and publishers to get generate more revenue from their games. Something that has been an ongoing debate, and regardless of what anyone thinks, isn’t going anywhere. So where does this factor into the gamine price hike? In my honest opinion, it doesn’t factor in – or to be less confusing, they won’t make a difference. Just because we’re seeing the price of games going up, it doesn’t mean microtransactions will suddenly disappear. Nope, instead, it’s just the cherry on top. That’s even more money exchanging hands, so why would this practice be discontinued. It’s just the harsh reality of it all.

Like it or not, gaming is going to be even more expensive, regardless if you can afford it or if you don’t want to part with extra money. I’m actually surprised that we didn’t see this price hike sooner. The question now is, will it stop at $70 per game, or will we see multiple price changes throughout this upcoming generation of gaming.

I’d love to know what you think about this. Is gaming getting too expensive? Is this going to change how to purchase games, or will you rely more on services like Xbox Game Pass or PS Now? Let us know in the comments.


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October 01, 2020 at 03:28AM

$70 is the new normal and there's no way to avoid it - The Outerhaven
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DocuSign's New Analyzer Tool Charts Path Forward After Seal Software Acquisition | Legaltech News -
Contract Data Credit:

DocuSign on Wednesday announced the release of DocuSign Analyzer, the newest addition to its digital contract platform Agreement Cloud and the first byproduct of the company’s $188 million cash acquisition of Seal Software last February. The new solution, which leans heavily upon Seal’s own background in AI-powered contract solutions, focuses primarily on the negotiation stage of that life cycle.

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September 30, 2020 at 08:01PM

DocuSign's New Analyzer Tool Charts Path Forward After Seal Software Acquisition | Legaltech News -
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Our View: Congress needs to act now to avoid long recession - Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel

If no more is done to avoid it, there is a long, difficult recession coming, as sure as a train in the distance coming down a track. The only question is whether we’ll get out of the way in time.

The shutdowns starting in March devastated the economy, creating the deepest recession since the Great Depression. But it could have been worse. Federal aid — largely universal stimulus checks and enhanced unemployment benefits — kept spending higher than it otherwise would have been, allowing the economy to make a small comeback.

But now that the aid has expired, and Congress has failed to replace it, the economic recovery is plateauing, with unemployment higher than at any time during the 2007-09 recession. About half of the jobs lost may never come back.

Without a boost from Congress now, the economy will likely backslide. A moderate recession will become a severe one — and most of us will feel the difference in our everyday lives.

In Maine, a moderate recession would cut state revenues by 5% or less annually through the next three years before the economy rebounds in 2024, a “stress test” of state finances showed this week. In that case, the state’s $258 million budget stabilization fund would be enough to cover the losses.

However, a severe recession would cut state revenues by 13% in 2021 and then more than 10% annually following that through 2025, the state found. It would evaporate the stabilization fund and force some combination of tax increases and program cuts. It would lead to job losses that would further harm the recovery, and it would hinder for years the ability of state and local government to deliver services and position Maine for future growth.

This is true all over the country. Moody’s Analytics found that state and local governments have a combined shortfall of more than $500 billion through the summer of 2022.

Federal relief is the only way to replace that money, just as the unemployment benefits and stimulus checks are the only way to keep up the consumer demand lost to the pandemic and the related loss of activity.

Goldman Sachs economists said recently that with no new round of federal stimulus, the U.S. can expect a major decline in disposable income, leading to l0w growth and a much slower economic recovery. Other economists have said the same for months. CEOs of top companies, too.

After a silent period, negotiations on a new package from Congress resumed this week between Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Steve Mnuchin, secretary of the Treasury Department, who has been the Trump administration’s point person on a deal.

House Democrats on Monday unveiled a $2.2 trillion proposal that includes $500 billion for local and state governments, another round of stimulus checks, funding for schools and child care, and a new program to help restaurants harmed by the pandemic-related shutdowns.

Also on the table is a $1.5 trillion package from a bipartisan group of rank-and-file members of the House.

However, Republicans, who control the Senate, want a much smaller package, if they want one at all — many GOP members have been reluctant to compromise and seem ready to let the moment pass without action.

Either they don’t see a much worse recession coming down the track, or they don’t care. Americans need enough of them to wise up and help the country step off the rails before we all get hit.

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September 30, 2020 at 03:10PM

Our View: Congress needs to act now to avoid long recession - Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel
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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Report: Houston Dynamo seal deal for Alberth Elis replacement -
Tab Ramos - looks skyward - suit
USA Today Sports Images


As's Tom Bogert wrote early last week, the Houston Dynamo had planned to bring in at least one new attacker during the MLS Secondary Transfer Window after transferring Alberth Elis to Boavista in Portugal.

They perhaps have found that player. According to a report from Hernan Laurino, a journalist based in Argentina's second-largest city of Cordoba, forward Mateo Bajamich will be leaving Argentine second division club Instituto Atletico Central Cordoba for the Dynamo.

The 21-year-old Bajamich is a relatively unknown commodity but he enjoyed a productive 2019-20 season, scoring nine goals in 29 matches. He was also reportedly a major target for English side Sunderland, although it appears Houston have won the race for his signature.

Bajamich doesn't appear to be the kind of signing that would require Designated Player- or Allocation Money-level spending, but he fits Houston's clear desire to have a range of options going forward, both in quantity and quality of players.

Elis left Houston after three-and-a-half seasons with the Dynamo, having scored 34 goals and contributed 27 assists in 88 MLS appearances.

Transfer Tracker Status: 

Childhood cancer doesn’t stop for COVID-19

Share your message of hope to inspire their fight as part of childhood cancer awareness month. Learn how you can support

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September 30, 2020 at 04:44AM

Report: Houston Dynamo seal deal for Alberth Elis replacement -
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UW's Badger Seal promises to make masks work better -

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UW's Badger Seal promises to make masks work better

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September 29, 2020 at 10:00PM

UW's Badger Seal promises to make masks work better -
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What Is A Zombie Company And Why You Need To Avoid It - USA Herald
Zombie Company

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to decimate many businesses across the nation, zombie companies have become a very popular topic of conversation. But to those who do not emerge in the financial world on a daily basis, this leaves one question. What is a zombie company?

To put plainly, a zombie company is a company that is heavily indebted and only generates enough cash flow to cover the interest payments on their debts. Such a company does not generate enough to pay down the principal. This means they stay stagnant and unchanging since they do not have the excess cash to invest and grow.

Zombie companies are trading stocks in the U.S. stock markets

This has become a problem for many businesses, both public and private, that rely on easy, affordable access to credit. A 2013 study conducted by Deutsche Bank Securities showed about one in five publicly traded U.S. companies is a zombie. It is estimated that figure has doubled since and is well up from the 1990s when there were almost no zombies in the market place.

The COVID-19 pandemic has made creditors tighten their wallets, only giving loans to businesses that are in good financial standing, have maintained solid revenue streams, and unlikely to go bust. If creditors do offer loans to these zombie companies, it is usually at a high-interest rate. This high-interest rate reflects the risk the creditor is taking by loaning their cash to the zombie company.

Often times, zombie companies are also businesses that encounter decreased revenues in a time of economic distress. This makes it harder for them to generate the capital needed to continue paying the interest payments keeping them afloat. Between losing access to affordable capital, and declining revenues, zombie companies begin to collapse in poor economic environments.

An obstacle to economic growth

Zombie companies are often seen as an obstacle to economic growth. Their inability to grow detracts from overall productivity.  Economists argue zombies eat up market share and keep talent from successfully operating companies. Without the cash needed to invest and grow, zombie companies are inefficient and uncompetitive, lowering productivity in the global economy.

Due to the global pandemic, we are seeing zombie companies do play a very important role in the overall health of the economy. For example, a zombie company that employs a large number of people may receive a government bailout in order to avoid massive job losses that have a huge societal impact.

During the current pandemic, we are not seeing these bailouts from the government or private creditors. This has resulted in job loss rates reaching all-time highs as more and more zombies collapse.


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September 29, 2020 at 10:09PM

What Is A Zombie Company And Why You Need To Avoid It - USA Herald
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Navy Updates SEAL Ethos with Gender-Neutral Language -

This article by Paul Szoldra originally appeared on Task & Purpose, a digital news and culture publication dedicated to military and veterans issues. 

The Navy has modified its SEAL ethos and creed for special warfare combatant crewmen to remove references to "man" and "brotherhood" in favor of gender-neutral language, a Navy official said Monday.

"The previous versions of the SEAL Ethos and SWCC Creed were written prior to the law allowing women to serve as operators in Naval Special Warfare," said Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Stroup, a spokesman for Naval Special Warfare Command. 

"Updates were overdue," Stroup added, noting that the changes were "favorably endorsed" by each of the unit's major commanders and command master chiefs. The changes were first reported by American Military News.

Adjustments were made to just a handful of words. The SWCC creed, which originally mentioned an "elite brotherhood of sailors" standing ready in our nation's time and need, was changed to an "elite group of maritime warriors." 

The SEAL Ethos, meanwhile, declares its special breed of warriors are "common citizens" with an uncommon desire to succeed, in contrast to the "common man" of the original.

"Forged by adversity," the ethos continues, "they stand alongside America's finest special operations forces to serve their country, the American people, and protect their way of life. I am that warrior." (Original: "I am that man.")

Additionally, the final line of the ethos, which formerly opened with "brave men," was changed to "brave SEALs," which, it continues, "have fought and died building the proud tradition and feared reputation that I am bound to uphold. In the worst of conditions, the legacy of my teammates steadies my resolve and silently guides my every deed. I will not fail."

Rear Adm. Collin Green approved the changes in August. Green, who oversaw naval special warfare amid years of headline-grabbing ethical lapses in the tight-knit SEAL community, recently moved to U.S. Special Operations Command.

"The changes do not in any way reflect lowering standards of entry, rather they ensure that all those who meet the requirements to train to become a SEAL or SWCC are represented in the ethos or creed they live out," Stroup said. "This improves the posture of the [naval special warfare] force by ensuring we draw from the greatest pool of talent available."

The Navy has not yet had a female SEAL or special warfare combatant crewman, though a handful of women have attempted training since ground combat restrictions were lifted in 2016. Both specialties require months of physically and mentally-demanding training at the naval special warfare center in Coronado, California.

In December, a female Navy officer completed the two-week SEAL officer assessment and selection but was not selected for a SEAL contract, reported. And that same month, a Navy official confirmed that three enlisted women were at "various stages" of the 37-week training pipeline for special warfare combatant crewmen.

"The SEAL Ethos and SWCC Creed are our community's bedrock guidance," Green wrote in an Aug. 3 memo. "In order to provide more inclusive language, we have revised them to better reflect our diverse ranks now and into the future."

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September 29, 2020 at 07:00PM

Navy Updates SEAL Ethos with Gender-Neutral Language -
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Seal Beach cooling centers will reopen this week - Orange County Breeze

As a result of the anticipated heat wave this coming week, the City of Seal Beach will reopen two cooling centers. The cooling centers will be open Tuesday, September 29 and Wednesday, September 30, 2020.

Marina Community Center
Location: 151 Marina Drive, Seal Beach, CA
Hours of Operation: 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
Amenities: Air Conditioning, Water, Tables and Chairs

Seal Beach Tennis Center
Location: 3900 Lampson Avenue, Seal Beach, CA
Hours of Operation: 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
Amenities: Air Conditioning, Water, Television, Tables and Chairs

Social distancing practices will be in effect and face coverings are required inside the cooling centers.

For questions about the cooling centers, please contact Sergeant Gray at (562) 799-4100 ext. 1145 or [email protected]

For updated information, follow the Seal Beach Police Department on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @sealbeachpolice.

This article was released by the City of Seal Beach.

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September 29, 2020 at 10:01PM

Seal Beach cooling centers will reopen this week - Orange County Breeze
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Seal cull 'not best solution' to boost fish stock - BBC News
Rathlin seals
A plan to cull seal numbers in Irish waters to improve fish stocks has been criticised by the Irish Wildlife Trust.

The conservation charity said ending overfishing and better marine protection measures would be a better approach.

A pilot scheme to shoot seals is under consideration by the Irish government in counties Cork and Kerry.

The charity said it was good news that seal numbers had increased.

Pádraig Fogarty, from the Irish Wildlife Trust, told Irish broadcaster RTÉ that seals were one of the first protected species in Ireland.

Reduced fish stocks were a result of an "ecological collapse of the ocean ecosystem", he said.

Rathlin seals

RTÉ reported there has been speculation that the Department of Housing, Local government and Heritage had received five applications for licenses to cull seals, including three which specified using high-powered rifles.

Mr Fogarty said protected marine areas needed to be established around the Irish coast and urged the phasing out of bottom trawlers and super-trawlers.

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September 29, 2020 at 03:43PM

Seal cull 'not best solution' to boost fish stock - BBC News
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Monday, September 28, 2020

Navy SEALs change official ethos to be gender neutral, remove ‘brotherhood’ and more - American Military News

The U.S. Navy SEALs and the Navy Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen (SWCC) recently changed their ethos and creed statements to reflect a gender-neutral presentation of the elite Navy outfits, doing away with gendered terms like “brotherhood.”

One change to the SEAL ethos was to alter a sentence in the first paragraph of the ethos to say, “Common citizens with uncommon desire to succeed” instead of the original, “A common man with uncommon desire to succeed.”

Naval Special Warfare spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Matthew Stroup confirmed the changes to the ethos and creed statements in an emailed statement to American Military News.

“Naval Special Warfare continues to deliberately develop a culture of tactical and ethical excellence that reflects the nation we represent, and that draws upon the talents of the all-volunteer force who meet the standards of qualification as a SEAL or SWCC,” Stroup said.

Stroup said the changes to the ethos and creed statements were made to comply with changes in law opening the potential for women to join the elite military units.


“The previous versions of the SEAL Ethos and SWCC Creed were written prior to the law allowing women to serve as operators in Naval Special Warfare. The changes do not in any way reflect lowering standards of entry, rather they ensure that all those who meet the requirements to train to become a SEAL or SWCC are represented in the ethos or creed they live out. This improves the posture of the NSW force by ensuring we draw from the greatest pool of talent available.

Stroup confirmed, “To date, no women completed the SEAL or SWCC qualification training pipelines.”

The current version of the SEAL ethos, shared on the Naval Special Warfare Command’s official website, reflects the gender-neutral changes. An archived version of the same link shows an older version ethos statement without the new gender-neutral phrasing.

Another alteration to the first paragraph changes the phrase “I am that man” to “I am that warrior.”

In the fourth paragraph, the sentence, “The ability to control my emotions and my actions, regardless of circumstance, sets me apart from other men” is changed to “The ability to control my emotions and my actions, regardless of circumstance, sets me apart from others” in the new version of the SEAL ethos.

In the final paragraph of the ethos statement, the prior sentence states, “Brave men have fought and died building the proud tradition and feared reputation that I am bound to uphold.” The sentence is now changed with the reference to “Brave men” changed to “Brave SEALs.”

The memo also calls for the SWCC creed to change the term “Brotherhood” in the first paragraph to “group of maritime warriors.” Additionally, the memo states the sentence “I challenge my brothers to perform, as I expect them to challenge me” is to be changed to “I challenge them to perform, as I expect them to challenge me.”

The new version of the SWCC creed has also been published on the Naval Special Warfare Command website. An older version of the SWCC creed, visible on the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) official website, shows the creed statement without the gender-neutral revisions.

The changes come despite the fact that there have been no women to successfully complete SEAL or SWCC training and enter the elite units.

Retired SEAL Eddie Gallagher drew attention to changed ethos statements in a Friday Instagram post. Gallagher shared a screenshot of an image showing an apparent August 3rd memo in which Rear Adm. Collin P. Green, the commander of the Naval Special Warfare Command, shown in the document as “C.P. Green,” signed off on the changes. Green said the changes were made “to better reflect our ranks now and into the future.”

Gallagher, who was cleared last year of charges alleging he murdered an ISIS fighter in Syria, criticized the changes in his Friday Instagram post. Gallagher, who has since retired from the Navy, also criticized Green’s apparent role in the decision.

“What a joke,” Gallagher wrote. “Note the names that signed off at the bottom. Adm. Colin Green (part of the hierarchy that tried to use the system to put me away)~ let’s remove all male pronouns & BROTHERHOOD from the SEAL ethos.”

“To be honest I thought the ethos was always BS,” Gallagher added. “Now I know it is. A creed or ethos is supposed to be written in stone, obviously ours is not and will sway to whatever political agenda is being put out.”

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September 29, 2020 at 03:08AM

Navy SEALs change official ethos to be gender neutral, remove ‘brotherhood’ and more - American Military News
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Congressman Accuses Former Navy SEAL Opponent of Harassment over 2015 Memoir -

MILWAUKEE — A Democratic Wisconsin congressman on Friday accused his Republican opponent of sexual harassment over a 2015 memoir in which the former Navy SEAL wrote of exposing a male lieutenant's genitals to two female junior officers while the lieutenant was being treated for poison oak at a military hospital.

Derrick Van Orden, who faces Rep. Ron Kind in November, said he was simply training the officers in possible medical treatments.

Van Orden wrote about the incident in “Book of Man: A Navy SEAL’s Guide to the Lost Art of Manhood.” Van Orden wrote about a five-day training mission in which he and other SEALS had to hide in “rabbit holes” in brush that included poison oak — causing breathing problems and other ailments, including swollen testicles.

One lieutenant was later taken to a Naval hospital, where he sat with a towel between his legs and his scrotum swollen to the size of a “cantaloupe,” Van Orden wrote. “That's when I spotted two ensigns, who happened to be young girls in their early twenties.”

Van Orden wrote that he approached two “cute girls" and walked them over to the lieutenant, who was behind a curtain. “I whipped the curtain back. ‘Have you ever seen anything like this?’ I asked. They gasped in horror as they saw the LT in all of his glory. I’m sure they never wanted to have anything to do with a man ever again,” he wrote.

Kind, who is seeking his 13th term, called the incident sexual harassment, saying it is not something to brag about, it’s something to be condemned."

“It’s outrageous and wrong,” Kind said in a statement. "This is not the behavior of someone who should be representing Wisconsin in Congress.”

Van Orden said in a statement that he held the highest medical qualifications possible for an enlisted member of the U.S. military, and that one of his duties was to train others in diagnostics and medical procedures.

“Regarding the single vignette referenced from the 230 pages of the book, I was instructing two junior Medical Corps officers in recognition and treatment for an advanced case of contact dermatitis involving the airway of another Navy SEAL who was exposed to poison oak over a period of five days during a Special Reconnaissance training mission,” he said.

In the memoir, Van Orden recounted the incident as he wrote about leadership. He wrote that while on the training mission, he noticed the lieutenant was having a reaction to the poison oak and he urged him to leave, but the lieutenant refused — showing what Van Orden described as poor leadership.

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September 28, 2020 at 07:00PM

Congressman Accuses Former Navy SEAL Opponent of Harassment over 2015 Memoir -
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Seal pup spotted 'laughing' on golden beach - Fox News

Everyone needs a good laugh now and then — even seals.

A wildlife photographer has taken a remarkable image of a seal pup that appears to be "laughing" on a beach in England, British news agency SWNS reports.

Amateur wildlife photographer Wayne Havenhand took the image a few days ago on the beach at Horsey Gap in Norfolk, England, telling the news outlet how happy he was with the picture.

This fun-loving seal pup seems to be enjoying a side-splitting laugh as it rolls on the beach at Horsey Gap in Norfolk. (SWNS)

This fun-loving seal pup seems to be enjoying a side-splitting laugh as it rolls on the beach at Horsey Gap in Norfolk. (SWNS)


"I was trying to get a shot of a pup pulling a face," Havenhand, 53, said. "Everyone says it looks like the seal is giving a big belly laugh - it's nice to have a laugh in these times."

Havenhand, who recently took images of two other seals on the beach that were eerily reminiscent of a famous movie scene, added he needed to stay on top of the mammal's movements because of how quick they are.

"I had to constantly keep my eye into the camera whenever they make movement, because you get a split second to capture them pulling faces like this."


In July, a wild seal was spotted off the English coast begging tourists for food near the small naval port at Dartmouth, Devon.

One month later, a seal went viral after an amateur photographer snapped an image of the modest mammal covering its face with its flipper.


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September 28, 2020 at 08:57PM

Seal pup spotted 'laughing' on golden beach - Fox News
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HMC: Get flu shot to help avoid ‘twindemic’ - Hawaii Tribune-Herald (subscription)

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues and the country prepares to enter flu season, local health care providers are urging people to get their flu shots early.

“Get your flu shot, preferably in October and November, so it has time to be effective before flu season,” said Dr. Jon Martell, Hilo Medical Center’s chief medical officer.


Individuals also should continue other preventative measures like hand washing and social distancing, “just like you have been, because COVID is still around,” he said.

“COVID and the flu are basically transmitted the same way,” said Chad Shibuya, HMC’s director of infection prevention. “They’re respiratory illnesses that come out of the nose and mouth of a sick person. … Because COVID and the flu are transmitted in similar ways, like Dr. Martell says, if you wash your hands, socially distance and wear a mask, you’re doing well to reduce your risk of both.”

Martell said the two viruses have “overlapping symptoms,” which can cause confusion for people.

“In addition, you have to remember infection with one doesn’t protect you from infection from the other, so it’s possible to have one right after another — or even possible to have both at the same time,” he said.

Martell said COVID-19 is a huge burden on hospitals because of the number of patients who get sick and require hospitalization, but there also have been times when influenza has strained hospital capacity.

“If we put those two pieces together in the community (at the) same time, there’s a very real risk it could overwhelm the health care system,” Martell said.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also calls for people to get a flu shot to help reduce the strain on health care systems that are busy responding to the COVID-19 crisis.

According to the CDC, a flu shot is recommended for everyone 6 months and older, with rare exceptions.

While some medical experts have urged getting a flu shot to avoid a “twindemic,” or simultaneous outbreaks of both diseases, Martell said when looking at the last few months in the southern hemisphere, where the flu season peaks around August, because people were wearing masks, social distancing and observing good hygiene practices, there was little influenza.


“So, it was not a ‘twindemic’ in the southern hemisphere,” he said. “I have every reason to believe, if we can manage to keep our preventative measures in place, we can avoid it, but if we let our guard down (when) we go back to a fully open society, we’re at risk of (that).”

Email Stephanie Salmons at

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September 28, 2020 at 05:05PM

HMC: Get flu shot to help avoid ‘twindemic’ - Hawaii Tribune-Herald (subscription)
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Former Syracuse defensive end Alton Robinson sacks Dak Prescott to seal win for Seattle -

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Former Syracuse defensive end Alton Robinson sacks Dak Prescott to seal win for Seattle

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September 28, 2020 at 12:04PM

Former Syracuse defensive end Alton Robinson sacks Dak Prescott to seal win for Seattle -
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HMC: Get flu shot to help avoid ‘twindemic’ - West Hawaii Today

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues and the country prepares to enter flu season, local health care providers are urging people to get their flu shots early.

“Get your flu shot, preferably in October and November, so it has time to be effective before flu season,” said Dr. Jon Martell, Hilo Medical Center’s chief medical officer.


Individuals also should continue other preventative measures like hand washing and social distancing, “just like you have been, because COVID is still around,” he said.

“COVID and the flu are basically transmitted the same way,” said Chad Shibuya, HMC’s director of infection prevention. “They’re respiratory illnesses that come out of the nose and mouth of a sick person. … Because COVID and the flu are transmitted in similar ways, like Dr. Martell says, if you wash your hands, socially distance and wear a mask, you’re doing well to reduce your risk of both.”

Martell said the two viruses have “overlapping symptoms,” which can cause confusion for people.

“In addition, you have to remember infection with one doesn’t protect you from infection from the other, so it’s possible to have one right after another — or even possible to have both at the same time,” he said.

Martell said COVID-19 is a huge burden on hospitals because of the number of patients who get sick and require hospitalization, but there also have been times when influenza has strained hospital capacity.

“If we put those two pieces together in the community (at the) same time, there’s a very real risk it could overwhelm the health care system,” Martell said.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also calls for people to get a flu shot to help reduce the strain on health care systems that are busy responding to the COVID-19 crisis.

According to the CDC, a flu shot is recommended for everyone 6 months and older, with rare exceptions.


While some medical experts have urged getting a flu shot to avoid a “twindemic,” or simultaneous outbreaks of both diseases, Martell said when looking at the last few months in the southern hemisphere, where the flu season peaks around August, because people were wearing masks, social distancing and observing good hygiene practices, there was little influenza.

“So, it was not a ‘twindemic’ in the southern hemisphere,” he said. “I have every reason to believe, if we can manage to keep our preventative measures in place, we can avoid it, but if we let our guard down (when) we go back to a fully open society, we’re at risk of (that).”

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September 28, 2020 at 05:05PM

HMC: Get flu shot to help avoid ‘twindemic’ - West Hawaii Today
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