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Monday, November 28, 2022

California Will Now Automatically Seal Criminal Records of Many Ex-Felons Who Have Completed Their Sentences - SFist

A new state law hailed as “the most expansive and comprehensive record-clearing law of its kind in the country” will seal the criminal records of everyone who’s served their time, though there are a few exceptions for sex offenders and violent felons.

We made note of a few new California laws Governor Gavin Newsom signed in the annual flurry of such things in September, some of which lightened the legal load on traffic fee late fines and cannabis use outside the workplace. But another of those new laws that’s received little notice is a bigger deal for those who’ve actually been incarcerated in California. The New York Times has an analysis of a new state law that automatically seals the criminal record record of anyone who’s completed their sentence, once said sentence is completed, in what Jeff Selbin of the UC Berkeley School of Law Policy Advocacy Clinic called “the most expansive and comprehensive record-clearing law of its kind in the country.”

“We cannot continue to pour billions of dollars into rehabilitative services while at the same time exclude people from positively contributing to their communities,” state Senator María Elena Durazo (D-L.A,), who introduced the bill, said in a statement, adding that the new law “will not only benefit the individual, but entire families and communities.”

The sealing of the records is automatic but is not quite as broad as it initially sounds. The Times notes that “Eight million people in California have a criminal record, and at least 225,000 will have an old conviction automatically sealed as a result of the new law.” That's a fairly small fraction.

And it doesn't happen right away, The Times also adds that the state “will automatically seal conviction and arrest records for most ex-offenders who are not convicted of another felony for four years after completing their sentences.” So there is some time lapse involved. But the Times adds that “Records of arrests that didn’t lead to convictions will also be sealed,” so it has significant ramifications on opportunities for employment and housing.

There are also some exceptions to who gets their criminal records sealed. Sex offenders and violent felons will not get their criminal records cleared, and said criminal histories would turn up in advanced background checks for working in law enforcement, education, and holding public office.

And law enforcement is unsurprisingly not at all happy with the new law. The state's largest law enforcement union, the Peace Officers Research Association of California, said in a statement that “By allowing violent criminals back on the street, with their record dismissed, they will have less deterrent to commit another crime.”

According to the text of the new law, the state Department of Justice will start reviewing records on January 1, 2023 to see who’s eligible to have their criminal records sealed. The sealing of the records themselves is scheduled to begin on July 1, 2023.

Related: Report: SFPD Already Using Surveillance Video From Self-Driving Cars [SFist]\

Image: tim0at0unsplash via Unsplash

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November 29, 2022 at 02:04AM

California Will Now Automatically Seal Criminal Records of Many Ex-Felons Who Have Completed Their Sentences - SFist
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Avocado Hand: What Is It and How to Avoid It - University of Utah Health Care

Nov 28, 2022 10:00 AM

Levanta un aguacate, toma un cuchillo y lo empieza a cortar en la mano: parece bastante común, ¿verdad? Pero este método podría ser peligroso. La verdad es que una de cada cuatro personas acude a urgencias por lesiones en la mano. Es una de las partes del cuerpo que más se lesionan.

La mano de aguacate se produce cuando una persona utiliza un cuchillo para extraer el hueso de un aguacate pero, en lugar de ello, se corta la fruta blanda en las manos o los dedos. Las consecuencias pueden ser devastadoras. He aquí el motivo.

Puede dañar sus tendones y nervios

La fuerza de la mano proviene de los músculos del antebrazo, que están unidos a la punta de los dedos a través de los tendones que pasan por la muñeca. Los principales nervios de la mano discurren por la parte delantera de la misma, cerca de la piel.

Los nervios son los responsables de dar energía a los músculos y de provocar la sensación en las yemas de los dedos. "Son los cables eléctricos que le dan la capacidad de tocar cosas", dice el doctor Christopher Goodenough, cirujano plástico y reconstructivo de la University of Utah Health. "Si toca una mesa o un perro, sabe enseguida lo que está tocando gracias a la sensibilidad de los dedos". 

Si se corta la mano con un cuchillo de cocina u otro objeto afilado, puede dañar los tendones, los nervios, los vasos sanguíneos o incluso el músculo. Dependiendo de la gravedad de la lesión, el resultado puede ser:

  • Perder la capacidad de flexión de los dedos
  • Sentir una sensación de embotamiento o perder completamente la sensibilidad en el dedo
  • Tener problemas para cerrar el puño (normalmente un dedo se queda levantado)
  • Tener déficit muscular
  • No poder utilizar la mano con normalidad

Es posible que necesite cirugía y terapia

Dado que los nervios y los tendones están tan cerca de la superficie de la mano, una tarea tan sencilla como cortar un aguacate puede provocar una cirugía mayor. Si su lesión le hace perder la función o la sensibilidad de la mano, es probable que necesite una intervención quirúrgica y una terapia de la mano.

La terapia de la mano puede durar de semanas a meses. Trabajar con un terapeuta de manos certificado puede ayudarle a conseguir resultados de recuperación más rápidos

Las lesiones de la mano pueden tardar semanas o meses en curarse

El tipo de lesión determinará la duración de su recuperación. Esto es lo que puede esperar.

  • Una lesión en la mano sin daños en los nervios o los tendones probablemente requeriría suturas en un servicio de urgencias o de cuidados urgentes.
  • Una lesión en la mano con daños en los nervios haría que alguien perdiera la sensibilidad en los dedos y necesitaría cirugía para repararla. "Los pacientes tendrían que pasar por la rehabilitación, pero normalmente pueden hacerlo con bastante rapidez y vuelven a la vida normal en un par de semanas", dice Goodenough. Sin embargo, los nervios se curan muy lentamente, y pueden pasar un par de meses hasta que se recupere la sensibilidad normal en la yema del dedo. Goodenough le dice a sus pacientes que pueden hacer su vida normal mientras se cura la lesión.
  • Una lesión en el tendón requeriría una intervención quirúrgica prolongada (de un par de horas) para reparar el tendón, y una terapia posterior. "Los pacientes tienen que ser diligentes en su proceso de rehabilitación porque los tendones pueden cicatrizar juntos -lo que limita el movimiento del dedo- o pueden romper el tendón si ejercen demasiada fuerza sobre él", dice Goodenough.

Me he lesionado la mano, ¿qué hago?

Las lesiones en las manos pueden dar miedo debido a la cantidad de sangre que puede salir de la herida. "Hay mucho flujo de sangre en la mano", dice Goodenough. "Si uno de los principales vasos sanguíneos está lesionado, la cantidad de sangre suele ser lo que más asusta a los pacientes". Pero eso no siempre indica una lesión grave.

Si se lesiona al cortar un aguacate, debe presionar la herida con una gasa o una toalla limpia para ayudar a detener o ralentizar la hemorragia. A continuación, acuda lo antes posible a un servicio de urgencias o de emergencias para que lo atiendan.

Cómo evitar la mano de aguacate

El primer consejo es NO cortar el aguacate mientras está en la mano. Además, asegúrese de que tiene un aguacate maduro y utilice un cuchillo sin filo. Hay varias formas seguras de cortar un aguacate. Esta es una de ellas:

  1. Busque un aguacate maduro.
  2. Coloque el aguacate en una tabla de cortar y córtelo a lo largo.
  3. Tuerza el aguacate y sepárelo.
  4. Retire el hueso colocando los dedos índice y corazón entre el hueso. Coloque el pulgar en la parte posterior y empuje para sacar el hueso.
  5. Retire de la piel con una cuchara.
  6. Disfrute.

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November 29, 2022 at 12:55AM

Avocado Hand: What Is It and How to Avoid It - University of Utah Health Care
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Scientists: Facial recognition may help save seals - Kearney Hub

FREEPORT, Maine — Facial recognition technology is mostly associated with uses such as surveillance and the authentication of human faces, but scientists believe they've found a new use for it — saving seals.

A research team at Colgate University has developed SealNet, a database of seal faces created by taking pictures of dozens of harbor seals in Maine's Casco Bay. The team found the tool's accuracy in identifying the marine mammals is close to 100%, which is no small accomplishment in an ecosystem that's home to thousands of seals.

The researchers are working on expanding their database to make it available to other scientists, said Krista Ingram, a biology professor at Colgate and a team member. Broadening the database to include rare species such as the Mediterranean monk seal and Hawaiian monk seal could help inform conservation efforts to save those species, she said.

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Cataloguing seal faces and using machine learning to identify them can also help scientists get a better idea of where in the ocean seals are located, Ingram said.

“Understanding their dispersal, understanding their patterns really helps inform any conservation efforts for the coast,” she said. “For mobile marine mammals that move around a lot and are hard to photograph in the water, we need to be able to identify individuals.”

SealNet is designed to automatically detect the face in a picture, crop it and recognize it based on facial patterns such as eyes and nose shape, as it would a human. A similar tool called PrimNet that is for use on primates had been used on seals previously, but SealNet outperformed it, the Colgate researchers said.

The Colgate team published its findings in April in the scientific journal Ecology and Evolution. They processed more than 1,700 images of more than 400 individual seals, the paper said.

The paper stated that the “ease and wealth of image data that can be processed using SealNet software contributes a vital tool for ecological and behavioral studies of marine mammals in the developing field of conservation technology.”

Harbor seals are a conservation success story in the U.S. The animals were once subject to bounties in New England, where they were widely viewed by fishermen as pests in the 19th and early 20th centuries. But the Marine Mammal Protection Act, which turned 50 in October, extended them new protections — and populations began to rebound.

Seals and other marine mammals have long been studied using satellite trackers. Using artificial intelligence to study them is a way to bring conservation into the 21st century, said Jason Holmberg, executive director of Wild Me, an Oregon-based company that works to bring machine learning to biologists. Wild Me is developing a potential partnership with SealNet.

“This is a shift and a lift of ‘big brother’ style technology to a very benevolent conservation-style goal," Holmberg said.

Harbor seals are now fairly abundant in New England waters, where they haul out on rocks and delight seal watch cruises and beachgoers. Other seal species, however, remain in jeopardy. The Mediterranean monk seal is thought to be the world's most endangered seal with only a few hundred animals remaining.

The use of facial recognition could provide more valuable data, said Michelle Berger, an associate scientist at the Shaw Institute in Maine, who was not involved in the SealNet research.

“Once the system is perfected I can picture lots of interesting ecological applications for it,” Berger said. “If they could recognize seals, and recognize them from year to year, that would give us lots of information about movement, how much they move from site to site.”

The Colgate researchers are also working with FruitPunch, a Dutch artificial intelligence company, to improve some aspects of SealNet to encourage wider use. FruitPunch is getting a few dozen scientists around the world to work on a challenge to streamline SealNet's workflow, said Tjomme Dooper, FruitPunch's head of partnerships and growth.

Improved automation of the facial recognition technology could make SealNet more useful to more scientists, Dooper said. That would open new opportunities to study the animals and help protect them, he said.

“What this does is help the biologists study the behavior of seals, and also population dynamics,” Dooper said. “Harbor seals are an important indicator species for the ecosystem around them.”

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November 29, 2022 at 12:16AM

Scientists: Facial recognition may help save seals - Kearney Hub
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Sunday, November 27, 2022

Baby Seal Swims Right Up And Tries To Climb Into Kayak - Whiskey Riff

If that ain’t the cutest thing you’ve seen today, I don’t know what to tell you.

There’s just something so awesome about seals. If I had to put a finger on it, I would say it’s that the fact they are pretty much the dog of the ocean. And it’s hard not to like something like that.

They are just cute, playful animals that always are fun to watch whether they’re bathing in the sun or racing around to catch some fish.

Up close encounters should always be dealt with like anything as these animals have the ability to bite you very hard.

However, this is about as safe as an encounter, and as cute, as they come.

A group of kayakers were out to get a peak at some seals in Canada, when this young seal took a liking to them.

The seal approaches the kayakers and is seen trying to climb up onto the kayak as the people laugh. The seal keeps slipping off and can’t make it up.

What an experience while out looking for seals. You can’t get any closer than that.

They kayaker summed it all up.

“We got so lucky that one of the baby seals was curious enough to come see us and try to jump on our kayak twice and no one else.

He kept swimming around us. The seal did not make it onto the kayak unfortunately, he kept falling off. We couldn’t help him on as the guide has told us not to touch the wild animals, because they would get human scent on them and get rejected from their colony.

The video cuts off as the baby seal tries to jump on, because I just couldn’t help myself from laughing because I was not expecting that at all, and of course I had to stop and enjoy this amazing, once in a lifetime moment with the gorgeous water puppy!”

He also added that this particular seal was not trying to escape a predator such as an orca:

“Some people in my comments kept thinking the seal was escaping from an orca, was in danger, etc. As a matter of fact, it was just a curious baby, which is purely normal for them to do as they’re exploring (not very common from adult seals though, they’re more cautious).

There was no danger nearby and certainly no orcas in Gaspésie, orcas are to be found in BC. We assure you, the wild animal was entirely safe! Especially with us.”

Pretty cool.

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November 27, 2022 at 09:59PM

Baby Seal Swims Right Up And Tries To Climb Into Kayak - Whiskey Riff
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Saturday, November 26, 2022

70+ Anti-Amazon Black Friday Deals You Can Buy Elsewhere - The New York Times

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70+ Anti-Amazon Black Friday Deals You Can Buy Elsewhere  The New York Times

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November 27, 2022 at 05:18AM

70+ Anti-Amazon Black Friday Deals You Can Buy Elsewhere - The New York Times
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Kylian Mbappé goals ensure defending champion France is first side to seal spot in World Cup knockout stages - CNN
CNN  — 

Defending champion France became the first side at the 2022 World Cup to reach the knockout stages with a 2-1 victory over Denmark, sealed by a late goal from star forward Kylian Mbappé.

Les Bleus enjoyed the majority of possession in the opening 45 minutes, but Denmark’s defense held firm as the teams went in level at half time.

The deadlock held until the 61st minute when Mbappé’s deflected effort found its way past Kasper Schmeichel, prompting wild celebrations from the French team as it put one foot in the knockout stages.

But Denmark equalized soon after as Andreas Christensen latched on to a ricochet from a corner, tapping the ball into the net.

It seemed as if France had let its chance of qualifying slip as the clock ticked towards the end of regular time, but Mbappé showcased his immense talent and instincts to grab another goal and finish the match with a brace to propel his side into the round of 16.

Lewandowski scores first ever World Cup goal

Robert Lewandowski scored at a World Cup for the first time as Poland defeated Saudi Arabia 2-0 to keep its qualification hopes alive in Qatar.

Striker Lewandowski, already Poland’s leading goal scorer and the third-highest scorer in Champions League history, behind only Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, did not play at the 2014 World Cup after Poland failed to qualify, did not score at the 2018 tournament, and had a tame penalty attempt saved on Tuesday against Mexico.

Overcome by emotion, he slid across the pitch in celebration where his teammates jumped on top of him as he buried his face in the turf.

It doubled Poland’s lead late in the game, sealing an important victory over the Green Falcons who were flying high after defeating Argentina on Tuesday.

Poland’s first goal came against the run of play in the first half when Lewandowski took a shot, missed but kept the ball in play and passed to his teammate Piotr Zielinski, who made no mistake with the finish.

Just before half-time, the Video Assistant Referee (VAR) awarded Saudi Arabia a penalty but Salem Al-Dawsari’s Initial spot kick was saved by goalkeeper Wojciech Szczesny, as was the follow-up attempt.

Wojciech Szczesny celebrates with his teammates after saving a penalty and rebound.

Saudi Arabia missed several opportunities to equalize in the second half, before Lewandowski sealed Poland’s win.

Australia wins first World Cup match for more than 12 years

Australia won its first World Cup match since June 2010, defeating Tunisia 1-0 to give itself a chance of qualifying for the knockout stages in Qatar.

A brilliant header from Mitch Duke in the first half proved the difference between the two sides, as Tunisia spurned chance after chance and could not find a way past the stubborn Australian defense.

For both teams, seeking to reach the knockout stages from a group containing heavyweights France and Denmark, this was a must-win game.

The Eagles of Carthage kicked off with the wind at their backs, having secured a 0-0 draw against Denmark in their opening match, while Australia had succumbed 4-1 to defending champion France and needed a win to keep them in the hunt for qualifying.

Australia began the stronger of the two teams, pinning Tunisia in its own half during the opening skirmishes and the Socceroos took the early lead with an end-to-end goal.

They worked the ball up field, with Craig Goodwin finding space down the left wing and firing a cross into the box which, despite a deflection, found Duke who leaped into the air to rocket the ball into the goal with a glancing header.

Mitch Duke celebrates with teammates after scoring.

Mobbed by teammates, Duke made a ‘J’ with his hands, a message to his young son Jaxson watching in the stands who responded in kind and with a thumbs-up.

Tunisia had chances to equalize before half-time as Mohamed Drager lined up a shot on goal but Harry Souttar swept the ball away and out of danger, before Youssef Msakni put the ball wide with the goal open in front of him.

The Eagles of Carthage kept pressing after the break but, despite engineering multiple attempts on goal, they could not unlock Australia’s defense.

With five minutes of regular time left, suddenly the game opened up and Tunisia poured forward on the counterattack.

Once again, it was Souttar who came to Australia’s rescue, defending his side’s slender lead and Australia held on for a historic victory.

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November 27, 2022 at 01:30AM

Kylian Mbappé goals ensure defending champion France is first side to seal spot in World Cup knockout stages - CNN
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Friday, November 25, 2022

David Boreanaz on SEAL Team, Angel and that Bojack tribute - The A.V. Club

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David Boreanaz on SEAL Team, Angel and that Bojack tribute  The A.V. Club

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November 26, 2022 at 02:04AM

David Boreanaz on SEAL Team, Angel and that Bojack tribute - The A.V. Club
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Greenwashing: What it is and how to avoid it - Stephenson Harwood

With the increased focus on environmental, social and governance ("ESG") policies by regulators, investors and businesses comes an increased risk of investigations and disputes over false or misleading ESG disclosures. This is known as "greenwashing".

We outline below what greenwashing is, how it occurs and how it can be avoided. We also outline some 'top tips' to help mitigate greenwashing risk.

What is it?

  • Greenwashing is where a company makes false statements about its ESG practices to appeal to customers interested in environmentally friendly and sustainable practices.
  • In most cases, greenwashing is used to convince the customer that a company has a positive ethical or environmental impact in order to appeal to them.
  • It is considered to be a marketing gimmick intended to mislead customers who prefer to buy goods and services from environmentally conscious brands.
  • In many cases, companies will spend more money on marketing the sustainability of their products than actually making the environmentally friendly and sustainable changes to their business that they profess to be implementing.

How does it occur?

Most examples of greenwashing occur as a result of poor language choices, whereby companies use certain words or phrases to appeal to eco-conscious customers that imply sustainability even though their products or practices are not sustainable, or are not sustainable to the degree asserted by these companies. Examples can include exaggerated claims about carbon neutrality or misleading advertising tactics that use green colour schemes and images.

Greenwashing typically falls into three categories of misrepresentations:

  • Corporate and governmental commitments: For example, a global energy provider has been accused of misleading consumers in its public commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 given its plans regarding a multi-billion-dollar oil project in Africa and involvement in the production of fossil fuels.
  • Product attributes: A securities class action was filed against a food and beverage company, whereby shareholders claimed that the company had misrepresented the environmental benefits of its production methods in its regulatory filings. The company claimed that its techniques were environmentally friendly, but the claimants argued that, in actual fact, the company's production processes exhibited nearly equivalent greenhouse gas emissions, required similar land usage, and utilised suppliers that produced dangerously high volumes of wastewater.
  • Disclosure of climate change investments and related financial risks: Enforcement action was brought against one of the world's largest iron ore producers in relation to alleged false and misleading claims about the safety of its dams.

The European Commission does an annual "sweep" of websites to screen for potential breaches. Last year, the European Commission, for the first time, focussed their sweep on greenwashing. It was estimated that in 42% of cases, the claims made by the companies that were screened could amount to greenwashing.

Why do companies do it?

  • To deflect attention away from unsustainable practices: A multinational oil and gas corporation advertised its experimental algae-based biofuels despite setting no company-wide net-zero target.
  • To attract new eco-conscious customers or investments: An energy corporation advertised its efforts to protect wildlife and water resources at the same time as it was being sued for illegally dumping pollutants.
  • To gain eco-friendly credibility in the public eye: This is often performed by making logos green or incorporating landscapes into an advertisement. A water bottling company's campaign came under criticism because the company allegedly transported its water up to 10,000 miles from the source before being consumed.

How can you avoid it?

  • Language: Avoid terms with no clear meaning. Marketing claims such as "sustainable" or "powered by 100% renewable energy" could, unless wholly accurate, result in greenwashing litigation.
  • Images: Avoid images that give an unjustified green impression or ones that cannot be sustained.
  • Greenhushing: Avoid stating that you are taking positive action in one area, while negatively contributing to another. This may include, for example, manufacturing fast chargers in a high emissions factory.
  • Scopewashing: Avoid reporting the extent of your emissions in a misleading way, for example, by sharing direct emissions from your factory, but not reporting indirect emission from energy transport and materials.

Top tips

  • Make statements clear and easy to understand: Include details such as specific units of measurement e.g. "70% organic cotton" rather than "made with organic cotton".
  • Back up claims with data: Keep current data available and update it on your website and anywhere you make sustainability claims. Only use data that can be verified. Obtain credible third-party certification from credible sources.
  • Compare "apples with apples": When comparing your product's sustainability to that of a competitor, make sure to compare the same type of product to avoid misleading customers.
  • "Walk the walk": If you want to market your product as eco-friendly, you need to ensure that you have sustainable practices in your manufacturing, waste disposal, and distribution operations.
  • Seek advice: If in doubt, seek advice from your external counsel or ESG consultants. Greenwashing litigation can cost significant time and money and cause serious reputational damage.

Get in touch

Should you have any queries or require any specific advice in respect of a potential or existing greenwashing dispute please do reach out to your usual contact at Stephenson Harwood, or Nicholas Sharratt on the details provided, who will be happy to assist you.

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November 25, 2022 at 06:58PM

Greenwashing: What it is and how to avoid it - Stephenson Harwood
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Music Reviews: Seal's debut is expanded – Knox County VillageSoup - Courier-Gazette & Camden Herald

Seal: Seal Deluxe Edition (Warner/Rhino, 2 LPs + 4 CDs). Seal, who emerged from the United Kingdom’s rave scene, burst on the world’s music scene in 1991 when “Crazy,” the lead single from his eponymous debut album, cracked the Top 10 in the United States, U.K. and across Europe. In fact, the album debuted at No. 1 in the U.K. and later won Best British Album at the Brit Awards. This new edition includes that album, remastered for the first time on CD and three sides of vinyl, with three bonus discs collecting rare B-sides and remixes — including the original “premix” versions of key songs from early pressings and dance remixes — plus an unreleased concert recorded in Dublin, Ireland after the album’s release. The 12-inch x 12-inch hardcover book packaging contains rare photos and new liner notes from journalist Jim Farber. Original album producer Trevor Horn also has created a Dolby Atmos mix, exclusively available digitally.

Seal was born Henry Olusegun Adeola Samuel to a Nigerian mother and Afro-Brazilian father in London. His voice recalls the great soul singers of the 1960s, but he matched it to the burgeoning house and rave scene in England. His debut single, “Killer,” also recorded for the album but originally recorded with DJ/producer Adamski, surged to the top of the U.K. charts in 1990.

In the 1980s, Horn, who signed Seal to his ZIT label, had emerged as one of the most innovative producers in pop music, putting his maverick instincts and high tech in the service of artists including ABC, Yes (where he also was a performing member), Grace Jones and the Pet Shop Boys. For Seal’s album, he brought many textures, including strummed acoustic guitar, liquid fretless bass, jazz piano, glossy disco guitars and Fairlight orchestral backings. For example, these are heard on the opening “The Beginning,” which has Seal wondrously singing, “The music takes you round and round and round and round and round/ Hold on to love.” It is the album’s one true link to disco, with its beat.

Other highlights are the aforementioned singles, “Killer,” with its atmospheric start and then heavier beat, and “Crazy,” the latter using trance synths and standout guitar, while being both bluesy and restrained. The song was inspired by the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Tiananmen Square massacre. Also fine are “Deep Water,” with its gentle electronic bossa-nova beat and acoustic and slide guitars, and “Whirlpool,” about dealing with the success “Crazy” had. “Future Love Paradise” is nicely layered, while the closing melancholy ballad “Violet” features barely heard dialogue from the 1987 film “The Sicilian” behind its synth pads and jazz piano.

The credits boast a remarkable array of talent from funk, soul and hip-hop, including bassist Doug Wimbish (Living Colour, Tackhead, the Sugarhill Gang Band), drummer Keith LeBlanc (Tackhead, Little Axe, the Sugarhill Gang Band), percussionist Paulinho da Costa (played on Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” and Prince’s “Purple Rain”), drummer John Robinson (MJ’s “Off the Wall”) and keyboardist Guy Sigsworth, who wrote and produced for Madonna, Britney Spears and Björk. Wendy & Lisa of Prince & The Revolution, appear on “Whirlpool.”

Disc two contains mostly “premix” versions, including an instrumental “Crazy” and the non-album “A Minor Groove” (funky) and “Sparkle” (an extended version with a heavy beat). There is an acoustic version of “Deep Water.” Disc three contains single edits and remixes and has some fun stuff. There are three versions of “Killer” (two mixed by William Orbit), and five apiece of “The Beginning” (two are very hardcore for the dance floor) and “Crazy” (one is a spooky acoustic version).

Disc four is the 13-song, Dec. 16, 1991, Dublin show, with eight songs from the album, including “Deep Water” with an orchestral section, “Show Me,” “Whirlpool” and a 10-minute “Crazy,” with the crowd singing some portions. There also is the bluesy rocker original “Hide” and a cover of “Hey Joe.”

Overall, the strength lies in Seal’s voice and Horn’s arrangements. Seal is not the best lyricist here. Grade: box set B+

The cover of The Smithereens’ “The Lost Album.” Courtesy Sunset Blvd. Records.

The Smithereens: The Lost Album (Sunset Blvd. CD). The 12 songs here were recorded from January to April 1993, when the band was between Capitol and RCA labels. Amazingly, despite the quality of these songs and performances, the music never saw the light of day until September of this year. The liner notes say the songs are only 80 percent finished, but still, they are worthy. The power pop quintet has not issued any new music since 2011, as primary songwriter/vocalist/frontman Pat DiNizio died in 2017.
The alternative rock band began in New Jersey in 1980, Jim Babjak (guitar) Dennis Diken (drums) and Mike Mesaros (bass) grew up together in Carteret and DiNizio hailed from Scotch Plains. As The Smithereens’ fame escalated, they were in heavy rotation on MTV and appeared on The Tonight Show, Conan O’Brien, and Saturday Night Live.

In the liner notes, Mesaros writes that the album “showcases some of DiNizio and Babjak’s best writing and never better group empathy and collaboration. At this point we were really listening to each other and this was key in our individual styles meshing so well. A real band. We could be mean, sweet, joyful, or brooding. As need be. We still were in our prime — young, battle-scarred vets who were fluent in the lingua franca of rock ‘n roll but still not far removed from Jimmy’s garage and Pat’s basement. (We still aren’t.)”

The opening “Out of This World,” the first single, echoes The Who’s “I Can’t Explain,” while “Face the World” is Beatlesque. More Brit-pop is found in “Pretty Little Lies” (about a relationship faltering). There are lots of guitars on the rocking “Monkey Man” and a big guitar opening to “Stop Bringing Me Down.” A nod to the past, “Dear Abby,” mentions the advice columnist and is one of the softer songs. Grade: A-

The Jorgensens: Americana Soul (Paramour CD). Led by harmonizing duo Kurt and Brianna Jorgensen, this strong album features excellent musicianship, honey-soaked harmonies, and relatable lyrics, sometimes recalling Delaney and Bonnie. Kurt’s mix of vintage guitar, bouncy basslines and modern technology blends with Brianna’s classically trained multi-instrumental talent, as she plays keyboards, guitar, and mandolin, among others. Kurt’s slide guitar, in particular, is strong throughout the album, as is their use of horns.

Highlights include the first two of the 12 originals. “Old Black Crow” is the first single, while Brianna sings lead on “Miles.” When Kurt takes the lead vocal, it is for the playful “Boom Boom Boom.” Both “Old Black Crow” and “Out of My Mind” have a bit of a Latin groove. Also good are “Leave Your Light On,” “Dark Road” and “State Line,” a subdued breakup song. Grade: B+

Amazing Grace: Country Stars Sing Songs of Faith and Hope (Time Life, 10 DVDs, NR, 570 min.). Country music and gospel music have always gone hand-in-hand. This set presents 153 live performances from such stars as George Jones, Loretta Lynn, Alan Jackson, Reba McEntire, Randy Travis, Vince Gill, Dolly Parton, The Oak Ridge Boys, Alabama, Marty Stuart, The Gatlin Brothers and The Statler Brothers.

Many of country music’s top artists were raised in the rural South, where the church was an integral part of life. In 1965, Loretta Lynn released her solo album, “Hymns,” the first of her many gospel projects. Throughout his career, Johnny Cash’s faith was dominant in his music, and he recorded several gospel albums, earning him a spot in the Gospel Music Hall of Fame. Many contemporary country music stars have released gospel albums, including Jackson’s “Precious Memories” (2006), an award-winning collection that became one of his best-selling albums. Josh Turner’s 2018 album, “I Serve a Savior,” was a natural expression as he has always been vocal about his faith. Alabama has recorded their favorite gospel songs on several albums. Vince Gill’s “Go Rest High on That Mountain” remains one of his most beloved hits.

The set contains more than a dozen exclusive interviews, including Gill, Jones, Stuart, Turner, The Statler Brothers and The Oak Ridge Boys. Two of the DVDs consist of historic “Opry Gospel Classics,” with performances by Cash, The Hee Haw Gospel Quartet, Lynn, Barbara Mandrell, Parton, Charley Pride, Porter Wagoner, and others. Bonus performances include Alabama’s Randy Owen singing “Amazing Grace” with his mother and Stuart singing “Keep on the Sunny Side” with the Carter Family. There also is a 36-page collector’s booklet with color photos, artist quotes and liner notes. The set is available exclusively at Grade: A

Tom Von Malder of Owls Head has reviewed music since 1972, just after graduation from Northwest-ern University’s Medill School of Journalism. He has reviewed videos/DVDs since 1988.

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